Te gjitha ne nje vend! Audio/Video shperndares me 6 hyrje/3 dalje

€60,00 -20%
Kodi i Produktit: 9893050
Stock I disponueshëm


Te gjitha ne nje vend! Shiqim te nje sinjali dhe inq...

Product Description

Te gjitha ne nje vend! Shiqim te nje sinjali dhe inqizim te nje sinjali tjeter. Komplet matrix funksion, nuk e humb sinjalin dhe eshte kontabil me SVHS dhe RGB.

Kjo paisje mundson kyqjen e 6 aparateve (Resiver, DVD, Video, Play Station, X-Box, Kamere) dhe daljen ne 3 aparate te tjera (TV,Video, DVD Recorder dhe te tjera).

Product Description

Connect236 6 input / 3 output matrix audio video selector
* With only one cable to your (flat screen) TV Switch between the connected devices * Total solution for connecting all your A/V devices in the right way and make them cooperate properly.
* Only one cable to your (flat screen) TV.
* Never again switch cables when recording or playing: every combination of in- and output can be chosen easily.
* Recording or copying a signal and watching another signal simultaneously.
* Direct linking of (digital) audio to your audio system for optimal Home Theatre viewing- and listening pleasure (SD Dolby ProLogic / Dolby Digital 5.1/7.1). * Easy accessible connection at the front for instance for game console camcorder laptop or photo camera.
* Full matrix function with 6 analogue video-inputs 3 digital audio-inputs 3 analogue video- and audio-outputs and a digital audio-output. * Practical connection for a second TV video transmitter or modulator.
* No quality loss because of advanced SRT< >< > (Signal Regulator Technology).
* S-VHS and RGB compatible.
* The informative LCD display shows an overview of set connections.
* Remote control included.
1x A/V selector
1x Remote control (battery included)
1x Power adaptor
1x User manual
GeneralPower requirements: AC 9V 500mA
Power consumption: 2W
Dimensions: 285mm X 260 mm X 55 mm
Mass: 2Kg
Inputs on the front: Ch6= 1 x RCA Video 2 x RCA Audio (L+R)
Inputs on the back: CH1-5 = 5 x Scart 3 x Coaxial RCA audio
Outputs on the back: OUTPUT CH2 CH3 = 3 x Scart 1 x RCA Video 4 x RCAAudio (2 x L+R) 1 x RCA Coaxial audio

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