JBL origjinal 5.1 Dolby Surround System with Powered Subwoofer

€312,00 -20%
Kodi i Produktit: D795252F
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JBL origjinal 5.1 Dolby Surround System with Powered SubwooferBring the movies to life The JBL Cinema 510 connects to any audio/video receiver for a perfectly configured 5.1 surround sound system, complete with a powerful 6.5” powered sub...

Product Description

JBL origjinal 5.1 Dolby Surround System with Powered Subwoofer

Bring the movies to life The JBL Cinema 510 connects to any audio/video receiver for a perfectly configured 5.1 surround sound system, complete with a powerful 6.5” powered subwoofer and 5 voicematched satellites for an immersive home theater experience. The subwoofer includes volume and phase control, providing total performance management of the system and customized tuning for your room. Designed to integrate with any flat screen TV, the compact JBL Cinema 510 fits snugly into any home environment to bring you signature JBL performance. Designed and engineered to work as an integrated system, the JBL Cinema 510 maintains a small footprint, making it convenient for flexible placement in any size space.


Easy-to-install system

Voice matched satellites for detailed listening

Powered subwoofer for full-range bass

Wall brackets (built-in) and loudspeaker cable included

General Specifications


Audio Specifications

Subwoofer Maximum Recommended Amplifier Power60W
System Frequency Response46Hz –20kHz
Satellite Nominal Impedance4 ohms

System Specifications

Satellite Maximum Recommended Amplifier Power100W

Subwoofer Specifications

Subwoofer Low-Frequncy Transducer6,5" (165mm) cone
Subwoofer_Enclosure TypeBass Reflex

Speaker Specifications

Satellite Midrange Transducer3"(75mm) cones
Satellite TypeSealed

Satellite Speaker Specifications

Satellite Midrange Transducer3"(75mm) cones
Satellite TypeSealed

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