Kamere rrjeti - interneti per monitorim ne shtepi,zyre etj.

€47,20 -36%
Kodi i Produktit: D886406
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  Kamere rrjeti - interneti per monitorim ne shtepi,zyre etj. Kam...

Product Description


Kamere rrjeti - interneti per monitorim ne shtepi,zyre etj.

Kamere rrjeti - interneti per monitorim ne shtepi,zyre etj.Plug and View! Kamere adekuate per monitorim e objektit, prodhimit, femive ne shtepi, personave me handikep (te meta) mandej kafsheve shtepiake qe jane vetun gjate dites ne banes, shtepi apo hapsira tjera. Mund te vezhgohet permes telefonit kudo qe ka WiFi (internet) edhe nga jashte vendi. Gjersi e madhe e vezhgimit 1.7mm Lensi me 74,8 shkall. Software per PC/llaptop dhe funksionon edhe me Androit telefonat (Samsung, HTC, Nokia etj) dhe me Iphone. Edimax, perdorimi brenda ne objekt, Rezulucioni: max. 960p (1280x960) / 25fps, Objektiv: Fix, 1,7mm, 75°, Furnizimi: 5V/DC, Perparsit: Njeh levizjet para kameres, 1.3 Megapixel. Nuk ka nevoj per kablla vetem vendoset ne rryme dhe konfigurohet me wireless interneti. Ne paketim jane: Kamera e internetit, adaptori i rrymes, Ethernet kabel, CD-ROM me software dhe dokumentacione te tjera te mjaftushme, Cloud ID kartel.


Me poshte mund te gjeni pershkrimin e artikullit ne gjuhen angleze:


The Edimax  is a highly cost-effective network camera designed for easy home monitoring. About the size of an average smartphone, the Edimax can be easily set up on a table or on the wall, so you can always keep an eye on the safety of your pets, property, or loved ones. The Edimax comes in a glossy white finish and a simplistic design, allowing it to blend in perfectly with your home decoration. The Edimax 1.3Mpx Wireless Network Camera is simply the best choice for easy home monitoring.


  • 3-level user access (administrator/operator/guest)
  • Multi-area motion detection
  • Sends motion-detected snapshots to email and FTP
  • Recording upon detected motion
  • SXVGA (1280 x 960) resolution at 30fps
  • WPS support for easy connection
  • Viewer software to access 16 network cameras simultaneously
  • Manually and cycle recording
  • Up to 16 login accounts
  • Free EdiView viewer app for iPhone & Android phones 

Edimax Plug-n-View
Edimax Plug-n-View technology makes it easy for you to keep an eye on the safety of your home, family, pets, and assets wherever you go. With Plug-n-View technology, you can set up your Edimax network camera in a few simple steps. The camera also connects to the cloud automatically, so you can access it remotely with a smartphone, tablet, or computer no matter where you are.

Edimax IC-3115 Plug and View





•1.3 megapixel CMOS sensor
•1.7mm, f/2.4 (approx. 28mm equiv.) 
•View angle: 74.8° 

•Fast Ethernet IEEE 802.3/802.3u
•Wireless IEEE 802.11b/g/n

•1 Ethernet (RJ-45) port 
•1 Power jack
•1 Reset/WPS button
•1 Fixed antenna (2dBi)


RF Output Power


•Video compression: M-JPEG 
•Recording format: AVI
•Image format: JPEG
•SXVGA (1280 x 960) at 30fps
•VGA (640 x 480) at 30fps 
•QVGA (320 x 240) at 30fps

•11b: 16dBm - 18dBm 
•11g: 14dBm - 16dBm 
•11n: 11dBm - 13dBm

•4MB flash 


Frequency Band

Operating Conditions

•EdiView Finder (Windows/Mac)
•16-channel viewer
•Web management interface
•Firmware upgradable
•iPhone & iPad viewer app 
•Android phone viewer app


•0-40° Celsius 
•10-90% (non-condensing)


Dimensions & Weight


•5V DC

•65mm x 80mm x 27mm


Package Contents
  Item Name Quantity
Network Camera
Power Adapter
Ethernet Cable
Mounting kit
CD with utility software and user manual
Quick installation guide
Cloud ID card

With tripod (included in mounting kit)

Network Camera IC-3115W product with tripod


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Tashmё kjo gjё mund tё bёhet kudo qe ju ndodheni nё Kosovё, lehtёsisht e vetёm nё pak minuta . 

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