Kamere interneti wireless per nate dhe dite me Infra Red per monitorim ne shtepi,zyre etj.

€74,00 -23%
Kodi i Produktit: F310169
Stock I disponueshëm


Kamere interneti wireless per nate dhe dite me Infra Red per monitorim ne shtepi,zyre etj. Instalimi eshte i thjeshte dhe i lehte.

Product Description

Kamere interneti wireless per nate dhe dite me Infra Red per monitorim ne shtepi,zyre etj.
Instalimi eshte i thjeshte dhe i lehte.

Ky artikull eshte ne zbritje 6%



Plug and View (Kyçe dhe shiqo)! H264 kamere nate / dite qe eshte adekuate per monitorim e objektit, prodhimit,  femive ne shtepi, personave me handikep (te meta) mandej kafsheve shtepiake qe jane vetun gjate dites ne banes, shtepi apo hapsira tjera. Montim i shpejte dhe i lehte. Gjersi e madhe e vezhgimit 2,2mm. Software  per PC/llaptop dhe funksionon me Androit telefonat (Samsung, HTC, Nokia etj) dhe me Iphone permes aplikacionit qe e ka prodhuesi. Edimax, perdorimi brenda ne objekt, Rezulucioni: max.720p (1280x720) / 25fps, Objektiv: Fix, 2,2mm, 69°. Adaptori 12V. Perparsit: Njeh levizjet para kameres, Infra RED drita per nate.  Ne paketim jane: Kamera e internetit, adaptori i rrymes, Ethernet kabel, CD-ROM me software dhe dokumentacione te tjera te mjaftushme, Cloud ID kartel

Plug-n-View for 24/7 Easy Remote Monitoring
Edimax Plug-n-View technology makes it easy for you to keep your yard, garage, shop, factory or other assets wherever you go. With Plug-n-View technology, you can connect your network camera to the cloud in a few simple steps and access it remotely with a smartphone, tablet, or computer no matter where you are.

IC-3116W 720p Wireless H.264 Day & Night Network Camera Plug-n-View_remote_monitoring.png




Night Vision
With a light sensor, image sensor, and IR LEDs, the IC-3116W can satisfy all security and indoor surveillance needs even in dimly lit environments. And with automatic ICR (IR Cut Filter Removal), infrared light is filtered out during the day time and allowed to pass during the night time, ensuring video color quality in comparison with other IP cameras.

IC-3116W 720p Wireless H.264 Day & Night Network Camera IC-3116W_night_vision.png




Motion-Triggered Snapshots & Recording
The powerful motion detection system built into this network camera ensures that you have evidence of a criminal event. You can pre-define an area in the monitored range for motion detection; and when motion is detected in the specified area, the network camera will produce snapshots or video footage of the event immediately.

IC-3116W 720p Wireless H.264 Day & Night Network Camera IC-3116W_motion-detection2.png




High Quality Videos
The Edimax IC-3116W is built with a wide 2.2mm lens that covers a diagonal viewing angle of 69 degrees, making it suitable for capturing video footage of a wide area with a single network camera. With a megapixel CMOS sensor, this network camera is able to capture 720p (1280 x 720) videos at 24 frames per second.

IC-3116W 720p Wireless H.264 Day & Night Network Camera IC-3116W_HD.png





  • Easy remote monitoring via iPhone, iPad, Android, PC & Mac
  • High-speed  H.264 & MJPEG video compression
  • Motion detection
  • Sends motion-detected snapshots to email and FTP
  • Pre- & post-recording upon detected motion
  • Viewer software to access 16 network cameras simultaneously
  • Manual/scheduled/cycle recording


IC-3116W 720p Wireless H.264 Day & Night Network Camera IC-3116W_3-steps_installation2.png

IC-3116W 720p Wireless H.264 Day & Night Network Camera Network_Camera_application2.png






IC-3116W 720p Wireless H.264 Day & Night Network Camera IC-3116W_applications.png

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