USB Wireless NANO për PC/Llaptop 2,4GHZ, USB2.0, 150MBIT/S
USB Wireless NANO per Desktop USB 2.0 Stick, 150MBIT/S. Mini - Nano wireless super I v...- *RISI - ARTIKUJ TE RI*
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PC, Llaptop, IT
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Product Description
USB Wireless NANO per Desktop
USB 2.0 Stick, 150MBIT/S. Mini - Nano wireless super I vogel. Me kete wireles eshte e mundshme qe per PC shtepizat / Desktop te krijohet internet wireless (pa kablla). Poashtu e pershtatshem edhe per llaptop qe e kan te prishun wirelessin ose qe nuk kan.
The Wireless N Nano USB Adapter allows you to connect a desktop computer or notebook to a wireless network and thus access a high-speed Internet connection. Complying with IEEE802.11n, it offers wireless speed up to 150Mbps, which is enough for online gaming or even video streaming. It supports current WLAN encryption standards, which means that installation is simplified.
The compact body does not block adjacent USB ports
Wireless-N speed up to 150Mbps
Supports WMM (WiFi multimedia). Standard for optimized data exchange from real-time sources such as video, music and video chat
Compatible with WPS/Quick Security Setup for immediate establishment of a secure connection
Wireless security: WEP 64 and 128 bit, WPA/WPA2, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK (TKIP/AES), IEEE802.1X
Seamlessly compatible with 802.11b/g/n products
Dim.: 18.6x15x7.1mm
scope of delivery
150Mbps Wireless N Nano USB Adapter
Quick Installation Guide
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