Drita hologjene

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Drita hallogjen GU10 / 20W

€1,40 €1,90

Drita hallogjen GU10 / 20W The line voltage driven GU10 lamps were designed for applications where the compact appearance of an MR-16 is  des..


Drite hologjen 12V/10W G4

€2,10 €3,00

 Drite hologjen 12V/10W G4  Energy efficiency class(A = very efficient, G = less efficient): C Luminous flux: 100 lm Capacity: 10 W..


Drite hologjen 12V/20W G4

€0,40 €0,60

Energy efficiency class (A = very efficient, G = less efficient): C Capacity: 20 W Aver..


Drite hologjen 12V/5W G4

€2,10 €3,00

Drite hologjen 12V/5W G4  Energy efficiency class(A = very efficient, G = less efficient): C Luminous flux: 50 lm Capacity: 5 W Avera..


Drite hologjen OSRAM 12V/20W G4

€1,20 €1,40

Drite hologjen OSRAM 12V/20W G4..

Llampe hallogene 250W / 120V


  Llampe hallogene  250W / 120V • Halogenlamp with MR16 lampfoot  • 120 V..


Osram LED 4.3W LED LAMP GU10 e bardhe e ngrohte - Made in Germany

€3,90 €5,30

Osram LED 4.3W LED LAMP GU10 e bardhe e ngrohteDrite LED origjinale OSRAM deri ne 15000 ore pune, koeficinti i madhe ikursimit te energjis A+, deri ne..


Reflektor i jashtem hallogen

€18,00 €24,00

Reflektor i jashtem hallogen Poqi i cili vendoset mund te jete max. 300W (nuk eshte ne paketim).Madhesia 225 x 170 x 65 mm. Bla..


Reflektor i Jashtem Hallogen i bardhe

€15,75 €21,00

Reflektor i Jashtem Hallogen i bardhe Poqi i cili vendoset mund te jete max. 300W (nuk eshte ne paketim).Madhesia 225 x 170 x 65 mm. ..

Reflektor i jashtem hallogen kualitativ


Reflektor i jashtem hallogen kualitativ Reflektor i jashtem hallogen per shtepi, lokal, restaurant, hotel dhe ngjashem. Poqi (drita hallogen) e ci..


Set i kornizave per drita LED ose hallogen 50W

€19,00 €25,00

Set i kornizave per drita LED ose hallogen 50W Ne kete set te bukur eshte e mundshme poashtu te lidhetdritat LED. Kornizat jane te levizshme. 3 dri..


Set i kornizave per drita LED ose hallogen 50W - 10 vite garancion

€19,00 €25,00

Set i kornizave per drita LED ose hallogen 50W Ne kete set te bukur eshte e mundshme poashtu te lidhet dritat LED. Kornizat jane te levizshme. 3 dr..

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