Wireless Router ACCESSPOINT, 1350MBIT/S, me POE

€107,20 -20%
Kodi i Produktit: H506100
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Wireless Router ACCESSPOINT, 1350MBIT/S, me POEDualband: qe krijon dy zona interneti WLAN me shpejtesi ne 2,4GHz dhe 867Mbit/s ne 5GHzMe EAP-Controller-Software mund te gjenerohen qindra EAPs. Perkrah PoE sipas 802.3af e qe thjesht t...

Product Description

Wireless Router ACCESSPOINT, 1350MBIT/S, me POE

Dualband: qe krijon dy zona interneti WLAN me shpejtesi ne 2,4GHz dhe 867Mbit/s ne 5GHz

Me EAP-Controller-Software mund te gjenerohen qindra EAPs. Perkrah PoE sipas 802.3af e qe thjesht te behen instalime te volitshme pa shtru kabell shtes. Captive Portal per kontrollim ne hyrje dhe autorizim I thjesht I vizitorve.

Dedikohet per : Shtepi, Banese, Hotel, Kafiteri, Restaurant, Shitore, Shkolla etj.

  • Simultaneous 450Mbps on 2.4GHz and 867Mbps on 5GHz totals 1200Mbps Wi-Fi speeds
  • Free EAP Controller Software lets administrators easily manage hundreds of EAPs
  • Compatibility with 802.3af and Passive PoE support makes deployment effortless and flexible
  • Captive portal provides a convenient method for guest authentication
  • Band Steering Automatically moves dual band devices onto the wider 5GHz band for faster connections
  • MU-MIMO means access points simultaneously transfer data with multiple devices, speeding up connections
  • Beamforming concentrates signal towards where you need it most, providing a fast and stable Wi-Fi experience
  • Supports management VLAN for an enhanced network management
  • Schedules can be set so access points automatically reboot and Wi-Fi turns on/off at the times you choose

Interface Gigabit Ethernet (RJ-45) Port x 1
(Support IEEE802.3af or passive PoE)
Button Reset
Power Supply 802.3af PoE or passive PoE
Power Consumption 12.6W
Dimensions 8.1 × 7.1 × 1.5 in
(206 × 182 × 37 mm)
Antenna Type Internal omni directional
2.4GHz: 4dBi x 3
5GHz: 5dBi x 2
Mounting Ceiling mount or wall mount (mounting kit included)
Physical Security Lock Yes
Hardware Watch Dog Yes
Wireless Standards IEEE 802.11ac/n/g/b/a
Frequency 2.4GHz and 5GHz
Signal Rate 5GHz:Up to 867Mbps
2.4GHz:Up to 450Mbps*
Wireless Functions Multiple SSIDs (Up to 16 SSIDs, 8 for each band)
Enable/Disable Wireless Radio
Automatic Channel Assignment
Transmit Power Control (Adjust Transmit Power on dBm)
Seamless Roaming
Band Steering
Load Balance
Airtime Fairness*
Rate Limit
Reboot Schedule
Wireless Schedule
Wireless Statistics based on SSID/AP/Client
Wireless Security Captive Portal Authentication
Access Control
Wireless Mac Address Filtering
Wireless Isolation Between Clients
SSID to VLAN Mapping
Rogue AP Detection
802.1X Support
Transmission Power ≤24dBm(2.4GHz)
EAP Controller Software Yes
Email Alerts Yes
LED ON/OFF Control Yes
Management MAC Access Control Yes
SNMP v1,v2c
System Logging Local/Remote Syslog Local/Remote Syslog
Telnet Yes
Web-based Management HTTP/HTTPS
L3 Management Yes
Multi-site Management Yes
Management VLAN Yes
Certification FCC, RoHS
Package Contents AC1350 Wireless MU-MIMO Gigabit Ceiling Mount Access Point EAP225
Passive PoE Adapter
Power Cord
Mounting Kit
Installation Guide
Environment Operating Temperature: 0℃~60℃ (32℉~144℉)
Storage Temperature: -40℃~70℃ (-40℉~158℉)
Operating Humidity: 10%~90% non-condensing
Storage Humidity: 5%~90% non-condensing

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