Instrument multimetër digjital True RMS ~ Auto. Range ~ 6.000 Counts ~ 600 V / 10 A AC/DC
Instrument Multimeter digjital True RMS ~ Auto. Range ~ 6.000 Counts ~ 600 V / 10 A AC/DCThe new PeakTech 3350 was specially developed for use in the craftsmanship and industry and offers a variety of useful functions that simplify daily wo...- *AKSION*
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Product Description
Instrument Multimeter digjital True RMS ~ Auto. Range ~ 6.000 Counts ~ 600 V / 10 A AC/DC
The new PeakTech 3350 was specially developed for use in the craftsmanship and industry and offers a variety of useful functions that simplify daily work, especially in dark or noisy environments. The lighting of the large LCD display is automatically activated by a photodiode in dark surroundings. On the back of the device there is also a bright LED flashlight, which is used to illuminate the area where the measurement has to be taken. A multi-colored LED bar is located above the 6000-digit display. Depending on the active measuring function, it lights up green during the continuity test, red when a voltage is found in NCV mode, yellow when measuring large capacities or flashes red when the phase tester mode is active (LIVE). In addition to the comprehensive measuring functions for current & voltage (True RMS), capacitance, resistance, frequency, continuity test and diode test, this device owns the functions to perform temperature measurements, non-contact voltage tests and phase tests. With the relative value mode and the data hold function, it is possible to make measurements accurate and precise. The PeakTech 3350 was manufactured according to the latest development aspects and has a double-insulated injection-molded housing with rubber coating, a tilt stand on the back, which can be removed to replace the batteries. The fuses are located underneath the stand as well, if it is neccessary to replace these. With this device the measuring range is selected automatically, which enable particularly fast response times.
- True RMS voltage measurements up to 600 V and current measurements up to 10 A AC / DC
- 6.000 LCD display with automatic backlight
- Multi-colored warning LED for various measuring functions
- Automatic range selection
- Manual range selection possible using selection buttons
- Integrated LED flashlight for lighting the area where the measurement has to be taken
- Auto off and battery status display
- Safety: EN 61010-1; CAT III 600 V
- Accessories: bag, test leads, temperature sensor, temperature adapter, batteries and user manual
Basic Accuracy DC: +/- 0,5%
Battery: 1,5V AAA
Capacitance max.: 60 mF
Digital counts: 6.000
Display Type: LCD
Info-LEDs: ■
LED-lamp: ■
NCV: ■
Over voltage category: CAT III 600 V
Range selection: Auto
True RMS: ■
V DC max.: 600V
A AC max.: 10A
Hz max.: 10 MHz
OHM max.: 60 MΩ
Temp. max.: 1000 °C
Temp. min.: -18 °C
mA DC max.: 600mA
mV DC max.: 600 mV
µA DC max.: 6000 µA
V AC max.: 600 V
mV AC max.: 600 mV
A DC max.: 10A
mA AC max.: 600 mA
µA AC max.: 6000 µA
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