Mbushes i baterive 6,12 dhe 24V

€82,50 -25%
Kodi i Produktit: F686985
Stock I disponueshëm


Mbushes i baterive 6,12 dhe 24V  Ansmann mbushes profesional I bateriave 6V,12V dhe 24V. Mbushesi e njefe automatikisht nese baterise I ka ra tensioni dhe duke e mbrojt baterin leshon impulse rreth 20 minuta deri sa te arrihet nje t...

Product Description

Mbushes i baterive 6,12 dhe 24V 

Ansmann mbushes profesional I bateriave 6V,12V dhe 24V. Mbushesi e njefe automatikisht nese baterise I ka ra tensioni dhe duke e mbrojt baterin leshon impulse rreth 20 minuta deri sa te arrihet nje tension baze ne bateri qe mandej te mbushe ne menyre kontinuale. Njef kur bateria eshte defekt.Automatikisht rimbushje nese paisja eshte e kyqun ne bateri. Automatikisht njefe tensionin e bateris se a eshte 6,12 apo 24V. Mbushje me amperazh te ndryshem eshte e mundshme: 1A ne tensionet 6V. 12V. 24V; 5A ne tensionet 12V dhe 24V; 10A ne 12V.|

With the help of high-quality pole terminals a fast and reliable contact of lead acid batteries is possible
Automatic voltage identification / Autosensing
Clear LED display - easy to use
Adjustable charging current
Automatic REFRESH mode: If the battery is completely discharged, the charger automatically switches to refresh mode and charges the battery for 20 min. by pulse charging until a sufficient voltage for the normal charging process has been reached. After the completion of the refresh mode a normal charging process can be started.
Selectable COLD TEMP mode: At temperatures below 5°C (41°F) we recommend the “COLD TEMPERATURE” mode, through this, the battery will be fully charged to 100% despite the cold.
Faulty cell detection
3-step charging status indicator (35% - 70% - 100%)
Protection against short-circuit, wrong polarity and overcharge
Automatic start of recharge, if the battery is left connected to the charger
Ideal maintenance of lead acid batteries during winter time - no deep discharge
Automatic start function (6V-1A | 12V-10A | 24V-5A)
Power and charging cable each 180cm
Practical cable storage integrated, the cables are always stored safely
Battery capacity: 4,5Ah - 240Ah
Weight: only 1.300g due to modern switching power supply technology
Operating voltage: 230V / 50Hz
Dimensions (WxHxD): 272x194x142mm

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