SPE-230BT This high-quality Bluetooth audio system
- Baby dhe femije
- Bateri te Ndryshme
- Fotoaparat & Kamere
- HIFI dhe Audio
- Kabell & Adaptor
- Mbushes i Bateriave
- Mirmbajtje dhe higjiene
- Paisje per Veture
PC, Llaptop, IT
- Adapter per Llaptop
- Bateri per Llaptop
- Canta Llaptopi
- Degjuese Veshi & Bluetooth
- Gjeka rryme per llaptop
- Internet
- Lexues i Kartelave
- Maus & Maus Pad
- Ngjyra per Printer
- RAM Memorie per Llaptop
- RAM Memorie per PC
- Shperndares
- Shperndares me IP
- Switch nga 8 deri 48 Porte
- Tastatur llaptopi
- Tavoline per Llaptop
- Te Tjera
- USB Stick
- Ventilator
- Wireless Module per llaptop
- Wireless te ndryshem
- Service
- Shtepi, zyre dhe shitore
- Sigurim
- Teknike e bardh dhe banim
- Telekomunikim
- Audio/Video Shperndares
- Bartes/ Shperndares sinjali HD, VGA, Video
- Infra Red bartes
- Invertor dhe stabilizues rryme
- Kanale dhe Gypa per Kablla
- Konvertues te Sinjalit
- Mbajtsa
- Perforcues te ndryshem dhe shperndares sinjali
- Projektor
- Resiver per SAT dhe DVBT
- SAT & Anten kabllovike
- Shperndares
- Shperndares Rryme
- Te tjera
- Teledirigjus per TV
Vegla Pune & Pjese Percjellese
- Canta dhe paisje pune
- Dana
- Amperdana
- Analizus te fuqis dhe hargjimeve
- Detektues
- Digital voltmeter modules
- Gjenerator
- Infra Red termometer
- Instrument per LCD llampa
- Instrumente per matje elektronike
- Instrumente per perdorim mesim dhe edukim
- Instrumentet matëse mjedisore
- Internet
- Kablla per instrument
- Kapacitet
- LCR Meter
- Mates i frekuences
- Multi instrument
- Osciloskop
- Rregullues i Rrymes AC/DC
- Sonda per temperatur
- Te tjere
- Kacavida
- Kuti me fioka
- Letkon & Pjese Percjellese
- Llampe zmadhuese & pjese rezerve
- Paisje per ndertimtari
- Pinceta
- Qelsa
- Spray
- Te tjere
- Vegla per oretar
- Vegla pune per klima etj
- Vegla pune per Telefon
- Vegla qe prejne
Shporta juaj e blerjes është bosh!
Product Description
consists of an active ceiling speaker and a passive ceiling speaker with Bluetooth receiver and serves as a plug-and-play stereo pair for background PA applications.
A robust ABS housing with moisture-resistant bass speaker and coaxially mounted tweeter as well as the magnetically attached metal protective grille and the excellent workmanship all ensure an overall high-quality appearance and optimum handling.
The frameless speaker grille allows for an unobtrusive appearance when mounted into the ceiling or wall.
A wireless connection between audio players like smartphones, tablets, PCs, Android devices or Apple devices such as iPads or iPhones can be established via Bluetooth 4.0 technology. A new initialisation is not required. Depending on the room, the operating range can be up to 10 m.
To save power, the integrated amplifier switches to standby mode in case of inactivity.
- Pair of 2-way hi-fi speakers for wall mounting and ceiling suspension
- 13 cm (5¼") bass-midrange speaker, 2.54 cm (1") coaxial tweeter
- Master/slave mode (active speaker and passive speaker are combined to create a stereo pair)
- Active speaker with integrated class D amplifier module, 2 x 45 W
- Bluetooth 4.0, APTX
- Operating range: 10 m, class 1
- High-quality crossover network
- Frameless protective metal grille, magnetically attached
- Quick-mount system
- 4-digit PIN code for initial linking
- Recognition of devices which have previously been linked
- 230 V PSU with earthed plug and plug-in connector for active speaker
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